The guitar is not the easiest of instruments to start playing. On a piano, for example, you are shown where the first note is, you press down on the key, and the pitch you want comes out.
On the guitar, you have to learn where the first note is, balance the guitar, push the finger down at that correct fret, coordinate the other hand to pluck the right string. Even then it may not sound correct due to how we are holding our fingers, not pressing hard enough, or something else.
You should not be put off; these very things are what makes the guitar a pleasure to play and to listen to when being performed well. It doesn't have to be mastered to sound right either. Once a player can master the first few notes, development is quick. For a while that is, as with everything we humans learn, we appear to reach a plateau, and this can be frustrating. A good teacher will take you beyond this point and take steps to limit the effect of any plateau.
I start with the basic techniques and show you how to apply them. Some songs are then learned using these basics and techniques. From this starting block, the student learns how to perform the songs.
Playing the guitar is about playing songs that entertain others and yourself. Everyone starts somewhere, and at Ron's Guitar Tuition, I provide a range of entry-level lessons for people of all abilities. The success of achieving playing a few songs or developing existing skills can flourish into a rewarding hobby or career.​ Take a look at the different 'levels' of student ability, and get in touch to book a place.
Beginners are not just those who have never played. They also include those up to a level that can change between open chords fluently, strum simple rhythms, play simple melodies and may know a few scales. A beginner needs to practise nearly every day, if not every day, and get guidance on proper technique before any bad habits become their norm. In the early stages, there is a bit of physical development to take place. Strength needs to be built up in fingers and calluses need to grow.
The beginner needs to learn how to practise. It is not a case of picking up the information and going away to work on it. Knowing how to master the guitar is the "wax on, wax off" aspect of guitar playing. You can learn guitar and reach a high level without learning how to practise correctly, but you can get there a lot faster if you have the know-how.

The intermediate guitarist can play major, minor, and dominant barre chords, including the 7th chords all over the neck.
They can strum more complex rhythms, playing melody lines adding expressive techniques of vibrato, bending, slides, muting, rakes. They know the major, minor, pentatonic, and blues scales, Some arpeggios and can improvise using these scales and arpeggios to some extent. The last major part of the physical development takes place here learning how to bend strings and playing barre chords.
The intermediate player faces a lot of challenges. Learning to play Barre chords correctly can feel like being a beginner again. Learning to bend strings and do vibrato seems sore and hopeless at the start. For this stage, the dynamic between teacher and student must change for the student to develop; this is where my coaching part starts to come into play.
The information the student is picking up must be explored together with the teacher and seen if it should be incorporated into the student's playing. Learning to incorporate or disregard alternative techniques, styles, ideas into a person's guitar playing is a must in the development of the student.
The advancing student is one that can pick up the guitar and play. The advancing student can learn songs quickly and play along with other musicians to a reasonable level without having to learn a song first.
Generally, certain guitar playing aspects have been ignored or pushed to the side, and need to be re-learned to progress further. The student needs significant coaching and often needs someone else to identify the holes in their playing and, provide solutions to make their playing cleaner. Support and mentoring are essential.
The expert knows the fretboard inside out, and would be classed as a top-level guitarist. However, with the guitar, there is always something to learn or improve. Read an interview with a top-level guitarist, and they will talk about spending time working on this or that aspect of playing to keep improving, or to try something new. The learning never stops.

For tuition in Glenrothes, call or WhatsApp Ron's Guitar Tuition today on 07736 551514.